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Christiana RUHRBERG, PhD

Professor of Neuronal and Vascular Development
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


Christiana conducted her PhD research with Fiona Watt at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) and was named Young Cell Biologist of the Year by the British Society for Cell Biology for her work on epidermal barrier function.

Christiana carried out postdoctoral training with Robb Krumlauf at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) to learn about brain development and with David Shima at the ICRF to study blood vessel growth, receiving the Werner Risau Prize for outstanding contributions to endothelial cell biology from the German Society for Cell Biology.

In 2003, she joined the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology at University College London, supported by a Medical Research Council Career Development Award to study neurovascular co-patterning. She has become a tenured member of staff at UCL, where she is Professor of Neuronal and Vascular Biology and Wellcome Investigator since 2011.

In 2018, Christiana received the Cheryll Tickle Medal from the British Society for Developmental Biology and the Judah Folkman Award from the North American Vascular Biology Organisation for her research on neurovascular development.



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Résumé: A venir