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Biographie / Biography

As an Associate Professor from the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Montreal (UdeM), I lead the clinical/surgical side of our translational research team at the Centre Universitaire d’Ophtalmologie, Maisonneuve-Rosemont hospital (CUO-HMR), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. My main focus is on surgical management of complicated vitreoretinal diseases, academic teaching, and surgical translational research.

As a vitreoretinal surgeon, I have been developing and improving complex vitreoretinal surgical techniques to manage vitreoretinal diseases.

On the academic side, I have been in charge of the Vitreoretinal Fellowship Program from the Retina Service, Department of Ophthalmology, UdeM for 5 years (2013-2018).

As a surgical translational researcher, I have developed surgical techniques to obtain vitreous biopsies in an ambulatory setting, providing instrumental material for our Neuro-Vascular Biology Research Unit. We are currently building a biobank for vitreous and aqueous humor samples.

For the past 5 years, I have been involved with Retinal Chip implant, developing an innovative surgical technique for a new generation retinal chip.

And in the past year I have served as Clinical Director at CUO-HMR and, as such, I have been committed to bringing further innovation to benefit our patients. We are becoming now one of the first centers in Canada for gene therapy for previously untreatable retinal conditions.


First Good News of 2020: Gene Therapy in Retinopathies

Flavio Rezende, MD, PhD

Dr Rezende will describe the current developments of gene therapy for vitreoretinal diseases.