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Alexi Degterev, PhD

Associate Professor at the Department of Developmental, Molecular and Chemical Biology
Tufts University School of Medicine


Dr. Degterev is an Associate Professor at the Department of Developmental, Molecular and Chemical Biology at Tufts University. His work focuses on the analysis of the mechanisms and development of the small molecule modulators of cell death processes that contribute to human pathologies. Dr. Degterev pursues multidisciplinary studies combining cell and chemical biology, and animal pharmacology. Dr. Alexei Degterev earned M.S. in Chemistry from Moscow State University, Russia and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Boston University School of Medicine, MA. Upon graduation, he joined the laboratory of Dr. Junying Yuan in the Department of Biology of Harvard Medical School as a post-doctoral fellow and, subsequently, as Instructor in Cell Biology. Since November 2005, Dr. Degterev is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at Tufts University. He was promoted to the rank of tenured Associate Professor in 2013. Dr. Degterev is a recipient of the Mentored Career Development Award from the National Institute on Aging, Alzheimer’s Research Pilot Award from the American Health Assistance Foundation and Smith Family Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research from the Massachusetts Medical Foundation. Dr. Degterev is the author of multiple patents and more than 90 scientific publications. Dr. Degterev is also a scientific co-founder of Contego Therapeutics, Incro Pharmaceuticals and Vaayu Therapeutics.



Titre: A venir

Résumé: A venir