Francine Behar-Cohen, M.D., Ph.D.
Professeure en ophtalmologie à l’Université Paris Cité
Spécialiste de la rétine à l’hôpital Cochin, Paris – Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris
Directrice de l’équipe de recherche Physiopathologie des maladies oculaires : Innovations thérapeutiques, Inserm UMR1138, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris
Fondatrice et conseillère scientifique en chef de Eyevensys, SAS, FRANCE
Cofondatrice de EarlySight, SUISSE
I am full professor in ophthalmology at Université de Paris and a medical and surgical retina specialist, at Cochin hospital AP-HP in Paris since 2006. I have been medical and scientific director of the Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland from 2013 to 2017, where I have built a research translational program. I am as well the director of the ‘Physiopathology of ocular diseases: Therapeutic innovations’ team at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research at the Cordeliers Campus in Paris. I head this group of researchers since 2001, dedicated to the study of mechanisms of eye diseases and development of therapeutic innovations. I am the founder of Eyevensys for which I serve as Chief Innovation Officer. I have founded other start-up companies to valorize research from my academic lab (Eyegate Pharma, EarlySight). In addition to my medical degree, I obtained a diploma of advanced studies in cell biology, a diploma of specialized studies in ophthalmology, and a PhD in biology at the Paris Descartes University. I also have accreditation to conduct clinical research in France and in Switzerland.
Since more than 12 years, I serve as expert for the National French Agency for Sanitary Security, food, environment and work (ANSES) and since 2020, I have been promoted as a member of the scientific council of ANSES.
Titre: A venir
Résumé: A venir